🐸My Etsy Sh🌎p🐸

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Herb Soup

 "Our sense of smell is the only sense that sends information directly to the brain...Researchers found that certain odors increase the ability to learn, create, and think" Pam Schiller, Start Smart 1999
Spring is an excellent time to awaken those brain cells.  Kiddos can gather greens, flowers, etc from the backyard and create soups, potions, and perfumes.  Here, I added some fresh herbs like rosemary, parsley, cilantro, and basil from the produce department of my local Kroger.  The smell is heavenly!

This would be a great outdoor activity or you could contain it to a sensory table as well.  The smells will energize little brains and bring nature in.

Have a fun and playful day!

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